2019 Estimated Monthly 24.3EB

2019 Estimated Monthly 24.3EB

With the rapid adaptation of today’s high-tech, more and more people use smart phones, which are online almost 24 hours a day, and the monthly mobile data traffic is also increasing.

You may think that today’s data subscriptions are large enough, but please check the Cisco Visual Network Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast for 2019. At present, it is about 10 times our monthly 24.3EB, and the track date is 4 years later.

The commentary pointed out that the main factor of the increase in mobile data usage is the increase in the number of users worldwide. In Asia alone, some countries and regions have half of the mobile phone population. According to records, Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, is the fourth most populous country in the world, with 220 million mobile phone users, excluding unregistered and fraudulent users that are prevalent in the city. Most of them use smartphones as hubs for networking purposes.

According to Axis Capital Group, a subsidiary of XL Axiata, one of the top three data providers, the market share of mobile users has increased significantly in the past two years, and the competition has become fiercer than before.

2G still accounts for a large share, but the integration of 4G in December last year has begun to be accepted by the society. The era of mobile phones where smart data cannot be connected is coming to an end. In 2019, 4G will dominate 34% of users and 3G will occupy 31%.

The growth of 3G and 4G usage will also lead to the overall growth of the global average mobile network speed. In today’s network speed of 16mbps, 42mbps is just a regular connection within five years.

According to the global forecast, there are more than 10 billion mobile devices and connections, including 8 billion mobile connections and 2 billion machines.

Analysts also said that most of the data connections will be used for video streaming. Video accounts for 69% of the amazing mobile traffic.

As connections and traffic become more intelligent, wireless packets or Wi Fi are almost everywhere. Wearable devices will also increase by 10 times, which is a very good prospect for enterprises related to modern devices, tools and wearables. Mobile management and information technology are always important.