Methods For Banks To Withhold PPI Refunds

Methods For Banks To Withhold PPI Refunds

The bank spent a huge sum of 6 billion pounds to repay customers who sold PPI to them wrongly. Of course, they want to keep the money as long as possible, so they keep looking for new ways to postpone the repayment process.

Their new strategy is to divert attention from the wrong sales of PPI and turn those companies that want to help people re request into bad guys.

Easy PPI, a professional claims settlement company, said that banks are now trying to prevent “insurance companies” from recovering their debts because they may sell insurance to 20 million people by mistake; they stay away from the simplest and simplest complaint channel&claim management company.

Banks that mistakenly sold PPI now claim that they want to simplify the refund process and explain to consumers why claims management companies are not worth using.

However, Natalie Kay, the marketing consultant of Easy PPI, believes that the bank is just an example of people shifting their attention and trying to further delay the claim process. Therefore, the bank can retain the reserved funds to earn considerable interest.

“In my opinion, the bank is demonizing the claim management company in order to delay the repayment to customers. The advantage of using Easy PPI and other companies is that it is difficult to ensure that the refund is effective and timely.”

“This is also suitable for banks to describe others as” bad guys “and actually try to shift their attention from unsuspecting customers.”

Easy PPI and other highly respected PPI recycling companies can fight against large enterprises and banks to ensure that the refund will not be ignored or unduly delayed. They also have the expertise to communicate directly with banks where the public may hesitate to do what they do.

“The PPI scandal was postponed by the bank for seven years. Then why do we believe that the bank suddenly wants to pay? Natalie can’t forget that she is a PPI claims company similar to Easy PPI. The company initially attracted the attention of the public on this issue and began to promote the return of this money to customers. The bank resisted at that time, but it is still resisting now. Trying to scare customers by criticizing the claim company so that they can not quickly and effectively refund is their latest strategy;