Are You Worried About Your Financial Situation After Retirement?

Are You Worried About Your Financial Situation After Retirement?

Sadly, most women answered “yes”. This means that their ability to control the financial situation is stronger than expected. If you think you don’t have any control, it’s time to take the initiative. This is your life. This is your future.

I know how easy it is to brag. I think everything will return to its original position when I think of it. Or your husband, father or brother can guarantee your financial security. You don’t have to worry about your little head. Tip: Men are not retirement plans. Or, like me, when your husband dies, you must make a major decision on social security. When to get social security is a major decision, which cannot be ignored.

You are a smart, smart, talented woman. You are very clever. In almost all aspects of your life, you are a “responsible” woman.

Does this include your finances? In fact, men are much better than our women in this respect. The financial situation will surprise you. When you are afraid or scared, you often do nothing.

You can’t do nothing! We are talking about your future. You really want to live with your children. Because you have no choice?

Did you know that women lose 60% of their wealth when they die or divorce?(This is Bob Melville, an economist at the University of Denver Women’s University.

He suggested writing a rich and easy to read book: “Your money or your life”; robin, Wiki, Dominguez, Joe, Tilford, Monique

Here are some different tips he recommends.

4% from your pension fund to fight inflation

If you can wait that long, you’d better get social insurance at the age of 70. This will bring you the highest monthly payment

If you have a pension, is there a “cost of living” surcharge? Not everyone is like this.

This is news to me: if you divorce and get married for at least 10 years, you are entitled to enjoy half of his social security. Don’t worry, he will never know that you will receive a check every month. This will not affect his social security. This is true even if he remarries.

Please don’t hesitate about this matter. If you delay getting direct “news” about retirement, it’s time to start.

Do you have a financial adviser? I have been with my friends for more than 25 years. Do you need one? Do you make all your retirement investments yourself? If only you had the confidence to know what you were doing.

I really didn’t mean to frighten you. I want to tell you. I hope you can live a happy, financially safe retirement life. We live longer than men, so plan well.

Let’s drink to our retirement years of longevity and economic freedom!