Basic Types Of Mortgage Loans

Basic Types Of Mortgage Loans

This is called the traditional mosquito land – fixed rate mosquito land, which is what most people can think of when buying houses. In some cases, this type of mosquito net can range from 10 to 50 years. At the expiration of the contract, such expenses shall be fully deducted or paid.

In today’s market, most of these loans require 20% to 30% cash advances based on the borrower’s credit score. Settlement fees increase the amount of cash required for fixed rate mortgages. Generally speaking, the average loan is about US $3000.00 to US $5000.00. This exceeds the advance payment.

FHA Insurance Mortgage – FHA does not lend or build a house. It provides insurance only for loans provided by individual borrowers. Mortgage insurance protects the borrower from losses caused by the buyer’s default. This insurance enables home buyers who cannot obtain traditional loans to buy houses or apartments. Joint villas and condominiums must be in a HUD approved consortium to qualify for FHA insurance. Currently, more than one third of residential purchases in the United States are supported by loans from the Federal Housing Administration.

The down payment for FHA loan projects can usually be as low as 0.0%, but the down payment requires 3.5%. The payment fee is very low, and sometimes there is no need to pay. The maximum loan amount depends on the state and county where the real estate is located. Please refer to the FHA website to check the loan limit of the state- Www.FHA. Government.

A common misconception is that the FHA Buyer Support Program is only for the first buyer. This is not the case. Potential buyers can use FHA insurance loans in the name of the buyers, unless there are FHA insurance loans at present. If there are FHA insured loans in these names, the loan value of the loans should be 75% or less lower than the LTV. To find out the value of your loan, divide the total amount you owe your house by its assessed value.

Home buyers can obtain FHA insurance loans with much lower credit scores than existing loans. According to FHA’s credit scoring management rules, if the applicant’s credit score is above 580 for all applications submitted after October 4, 2010, they are eligible for financing of the highest amount FHA can use. Borrowers with a credit score of 500-579 are eligible for 90% of the loan value fee.

VA backed mortgage – The main advantage of using this loan plan is the 0.0% advance required by VA. Please note that the borrower can request the advance payment himself. This judgment is generally based on the borrower’s credit score. Advance payment can also be required if the loan is paid in installments or the purchase price of the residence is higher than the reasonable value of the real estate determined by VA.

The amount of settlement costs available to the borrower is limited. To view the current status, refer to the VA website, as changes may occur.

Applicants who are discharged from the military without reputation usually need further investigation by VA. This is to confirm whether the separation from active service is in disgraceful conditions. For a complete list of eligibility requirements, refer to the VA website.

Interest only secured loans – Mark secured loans as “interest”. “Only care”; is the wrong name in most cases. This kind of loan is not the real “only care” loan that ordinary borrowers only pay interest; the loan is generally stipulated, and the borrower pays the interest at a specified time. Some loans may require the borrower to pay only interest during the loan period and pay the original loan amount in a lump sum at the end of the payment plan. For most borrowers, this type of mortgage is not a good choice.

Mortgage loans with adjustable interest rates – there are many pitfalls in such housing loans. With this loan, the borrower does not know how much the house price will be each month in the future. When the interest rate drops, the settlement will decline, but when the interest rate rises, the settlement will also decline. The role of the interest rate within the maturity of the 30-year mortgage is incalculable and is a gamble.

For example, for a house purchased from ARM for $3000000.00, the starting interest rate is 4%, and about $143.25 of principal and interest will be paid each month. The interest rate was adjusted to 6.5% and settled at US $1896.20, up 9% to US $2413.86. Not many people can pay 1000 dollars a month, so be careful with ARM.

FHA 203K Plan – Borrowers who purchase houses that need maintenance or modernization usually need to purchase houses and then obtain additional funds to repair them. After the project is completed, they will need to obtain a permanent secured loan to repay the intermediate financing. Generally speaking, these financing, i.e. purchase and repair loans, may involve relatively high interest rates and short repayment periods.

FHA 203(k) plan is to solve these problems. Borrowers can obtain mortgage loans at long-term, competitive fixed interest rates for the purchase and repair of real estate. In order to provide maintenance funds, the amount of the mortgage loan is based on the expected value of the property repaired, taking into account the cost of the project. If the buyer buys one, then this is a great plan. Fixture above “;, they need special modification or other repair or upgrade required or expected by the buyer.

Special type mortgage

Portfolio or mortgage loans – these are actually two separate loans for the purchase of a home. In today’s mortgage market, these are difficult to achieve. To realize the affordable mortgage loan plan, the borrower must have a good credit record. When buying a house, he/she will mortgage the real estate for the first time and the second time. These mosquitoes may be traditional, ARM or a combination of both. One of the reasons for using the affordable mortgage loan project is to try to eliminate the mortgage insurance conditions when the borrower’s advance payment is less than 20%.

Stock or secondary mortgage – this is just a secondary or primary mortgage. They are in a low position to supplement the original mortgage. They borrowed money from shares in their house. The loan may be a fixed rate, ARM or even a credit line. In order to qualify for this type of loan, most borrowers must have a greater home equity than the amount of loan they are applying for.

Cross bridge or shake loan – the loan is used for the borrower to buy a house. The interesting house is sold on the market, but has not been sold yet. The borrower’s interest in the current residence is used to guarantee the bridge loan. The loan is usually repaid with the proceeds of the sale of cash.

The loan is available to anyone over the age of 62. The homeowner shall have sufficient residential interests to meet the requirements of the borrower. These standards vary from borrower to borrower. The borrower must contact the borrower to confirm whether the net value of the house meets the requirements of the borrower.

This is a kind of mortgage loan. As long as the owner lives in the mortgaged house, the borrower pays the owner every month. The interest paid by the homeowner can be fixed or adjusted.

The advantage of this procedure is that, unlike the second piece of mortgaged land, there is no due payment before the house or house is sold. Interest is charged only on the money you receive, not on a lump sum basis.

The interest rates on all these mortgage options change quickly and are therefore not quoted. Ask the borrower, intermediary or agent for the latest interest rate.

Generally speaking, there are three basic types of housing that meet the requirements of this kind of mortgage loan. These are separate Real Estate Residences(SFRs), including manufactured homes(mobile homes), apartments or townhouses, and public urban development(PUDs). To obtain FHA or VA guaranteed loans for apartments or townhouses, it must be noted that apartments or townhouses must be located in a HUD approved complex or community.

This document is based on the instructions when it was created(January 12, 2012). Before making a purchase decision, please confirm with the agency or agency and keep it up to date.