Claims Settlement Claims Advisory Panel

Claims Settlement Claims Advisory Panel

What is PPI?

PPI(Payment Protection Insurance) is an insurance policy that banks and borrowers attach to loans, credit cards and mortgages. PPI’s idea is that if they can’t repay the loan, they can repay the loan every month. For example, many self-employed borrowers are encouraged to adopt the PPI policy to prevent their businesses from going bankrupt and failing to pay, but when it comes to the PPI policy, they do try to make claims. Most suppliers believe that PPI “rejected such claims because it did not cover such losses. Then, if a claim that should have been valid is rejected, why should the bank add protection insurance to such loans?”

The self-employed not only sold these insurance policies by mistake, but also people with existing medical conditions, people with sick leave plans in their careers, housewives and retired lenders were hit by PPI when they did not need it, which means that they even paid the insurance they could not apply for.

Needless to say, in most cases, borrowers are deceived into saying that they need PPI policy, and they cannot lend without PPI.

How do I know you have been paying PPI?

There is no way to decide whether PPI has been paid. Of course, the most obvious way might be to look at an invoice, or a copy of a loan or credit card contract. You can also contact the lender to request information about whether the guarantee has been paid in the past few years. However, as I know, many of you will tear up and deal with these agreements. I also know that banks may hesitate to disclose such information. don’t worry. There are other options.

How should I apply for PPI?

Please visit to obtain a non acceptance and non obligation quotation and take the first step to recover the amount you may owe. Claim Resolution(part of the Claims Consulting Group) currently claims more than £ 2000000 per month in the PPI of wrong sales of loans, credit cards and mortgages. If you have deleted one of them in the past 10 years, please start claiming immediately. As I like to say, “No risk, no gain.” With this invincible service, you have no loss. So today see if you have a valid claim and take this step to recover the potential thousands of pounds.